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Sedgefield's Hounds

Sedgefield Hunt is blessed to have members who recognize the importance of caring for our hounds, from the beginning of their lives through their retirement. We enjoy riding behind these hounds in the hunt season, but there is much preparation before they are ready to hunt. After a hunting career, we have an obligation to these hounds to continue to provide them with excellent care until their final days, many of which need special attention.

Puppy Walkers

It is important that young hounds receive lots of special attention to socialize then and teach them certain skills that will help them become successful in their future careers. Puppy Walkers volunteer to take home one or two puppies. They will teach the puppies their names, walk on a leash, and other general socialization. Puppies return to the kennels between five and six months old to be integrated into the main pack. After returning, the puppies begin walking out with the pack and bonding with the Huntsman. Their careers begin around a year and a half of age.

Thanks goes to the following Puppy Walkers:

2023 Emma Kozlowski Puppies-Bosun and Barge

Katie McGarvey Puppies- Banshee

2024 Katie McGarvey Puppies-Corndog

John Rothell Puppies-Blixem and Batgirl

Retired Foxhounds

Typically, our hounds retire between seven and nine years old. They can make wonderful family Pets. We are immensely grateful to those members who invite these hounds into their homes.

Lauren Spillmann-Sedgefield Rosie 2018

Emma Kozlowski-Sedgefield Snoopy 2019, Sedgefield Yogi 2018

Molly Dalton-Sedgefield Willoughby 2017

Darin and Christian London-Red Mountain Tennyson 2017

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